Development of Collaborative Problem-Based Learning Model based on Smart Education

This study examines the concept and strategy of smart learning and collaborative problem solving learning theory; this study research through the educational problems related to an instructional model for collaborative problem solving based on smart learning in school. This study suggests the instructional model in order to solve educational problems in the schools by offering an instructional model for problem solving based on smart learning, which is developed through a design-based research study. This final version of the instructional model consisted of three parts: Pre-Activity, Main-Activity, and Post-Activity. In this study, there were six stages within the instructional model for collaborative problem-solving based on smart education; 1) preparation stage, 2) cognition stage, 3) co-exploration stage, 4) collaboration stage, 5) co-sharing stage and 6) sympathy stage to reflect continuous output of learning and offer feed-back to both individual and group after class. Developed model was verified by SEM (structural equation models) through a survey of experts. This study identified processes, guidelines, and considerations of an instructional model, offering teachers a model that can be of practical use in the classroom.