Uniform current spreading is desirable for both light emitting diodes (LEDs) performance and reliability. It enhances optical efficiency because the joule losses due to current crowding in some parts of the die would be eliminated. The LED design for optimal light extraction and uniform current spreading is therefore a necessity. In this paper we report on preliminary current spreading results obtained from circuit simulation, using Pspice and Aimspice, for LED designs with and without an n-metal ring as well as the epi-up and flip chip LEDs. For the epi-up, both the lateral and vertical resistances of the transparent metals were taken into account. Whereas in the flip chip, the lateral resistance was negligibly small thus only the vertical component contributed to the total p-lump resistance. The n-lateral resistance in the active mesa was critical to uniform current spreading. It was found that the lower the n-lateral resistance, the more uniform the current spreads and flows through the active region. In both the epi-up and flip-chip structures, the contact resistance of the p-metal (including the thin Ni/Au transparent metal) dominated the total p-lump resistance. The larger this value, with fixed n-layer lateral resistance, the more uniform the current spreads in the device. However, high p-contact resistance is not desirable as it reduces the overall efficiency of the device due to excessive heating and increased leakage current. Therefore, for uniform current spreading, the n-lateral resistance should be made small while maintaining an optimum p-lump resistance to achieve a high efficiency.
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Introduction to Device Modeling and Circuit Simulation
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Band parameters for III–V compound semiconductors and their alloys
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Effects of current spreading on the performance of GaN-based light-emitting diodes
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High-Power GaN P-N Junction Blue-Light-Emitting Diodes
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Optimization of current spreading metal layer for GaN/InGaN-based light emitting diodes
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Modeling of a GaN-based light-emitting diode for uniform current spreading
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Current crowding and optical saturation effects in GaInN/GaN light-emitting diodes grown on insulating substrates