With the construction of UHV power grid, integration of large-scale renewable clean energy, and large-scale energy base putting into operation, the power grid dispatching faced with more and more complex challenges. On the basis of existing research results, architecture of intelligent dispatching based on situation awareness is proposed, so as to accurately achieve prevention and control of the power system. The shortcomings of traditional dispatching mode are analyzed firstly, and the concepts and characterization approaches of grid situational awareness and operation state trajectory of power grid are then introduced. The overall objective of intelligent dispatching is presented, including data processing and integrated knowledge mining, predictive perception of grid operation, risk analysis and comprehensive early warning, so as to achieve "automatic cruise under normal operating conditions, automatic navigation under abnormal operating conditions ". The functional framework of intelligent dispatching is also proposed in details, including four major aspects of the perception and forecasts, risk analysis, decision-making support, and automatic control, as well as three supporting functions such as post-assessment of dispatching, trajectory index calculation, and human-computer interaction (HCI).Technical innovations to support automatic intelligent dispatching are discussed and organised in three levels, i.e. perception, comprehension and projection. The breakthroughs are: construction of index system, trajectory recognition based on massive information and knowledge mining, trajectory projection taking into accounts the uncertainties, online risk assessment and early warning, power grid intelligent decision-making support, automatic coordination of grid operation control, online assessment, natural human-computer interaction mode, and etc... These are the future research areas of automatic intelligent dispatching.
Gao Zonghe.
Practice and Prospects of Intelligent Dispatch with Chinese Characteristics
Zhenyu Huang,et al.
An Advanced Framework for Improving Situational Awareness in Electric Power Grid Operation
T. E. Dy-Liacco.
Enhancing power system security control
He Guangyu.
Smart Grid and Smart Wide Area Robot
Yang Zhihong.
Development Trend Prospects of Power Dispatching Automation System
Andrew L. Ott.
Development of smart dispatch tools in the PJM market
2011 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting.
Di Fang-chun.
Key Technologies for UHV Dispatching Operation Support System
Xue Yu-sheng.
Design of Blackout Defense Framework for China Southern Power Grid
Wu Wenchuan.
New Generation of EMS with 3-Dimensional Coordination
Lu Qiang.
A Speculation on Hybrid Control System of Super-EMS of China Southern Power Grid