Fundamentals of MRI: An Interactive Learning Approach

Introduction The Fundamentals of MRI An Interactive Learning Approach Using the Programs from Windows(R) Operating Systems Non-Windows Operating Systems Structure of the Book Mathematics, Physics, and Imaging for MRI Learning Outcomes Mathematics for MRI Physics for MRI Imaging for MRI Clinical Imaging Terms for MRI Basic Physical Principles Learning Outcomes Spins and the Net Magnetization Vector The Larmor Equation Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Longitudinal and Transverse Magnetization Rotating Frame of Reference Relaxation Mechanisms Learning Outcomes T1 and T2 Relaxation Effect of Magnetic Field Strength on Relaxation Mechanisms Saturation Recovery Graphs and Tissue Contrast Contrast Agents Slice Selection Learning Outcomes Gradient Fields Gradient Fields for Slice Selection RF Pulse for Slice Selection: Center Frequency and Transmitted Bandwidth The Slice Selection Program Acquiring Several Slices Additional Self-Assessment Questions Frequency Encoding Learning Outcomes Principles of Frequency Encoding Gradient Fields for Frequency Encoding The Frequency Encoding Demonstrator Effect of Gradient Strength and Receiver Bandwidth on Field of View (FOV) Additional Self-Assessment Questions Phase Encoding Learning Outcomes Principles of Phase Encoding Gradient Fields for Phase Encoding The Phase Encoding Demonstrator The Effect of Gradient Strength and Duration on Phase Shift Repeated Phase Encoding Steps The Data Matrix Additional Self-Assessment Questions The Spin-Echo Imaging Sequence Learning Outcomes The Concept of the Spin-Echo Sequence Demonstration of the Principles of the Spin-Echo Sequence TR and TE Timing Diagram Additional Self-Assessment Questions Scan Parameters for the Spin-Echo Imaging Sequence Learning Outcomes Image Gray-Scale Characteristics Image Spatial Characteristics Image Noise Characteristics Scan Time The Spin-Echo Image Simulator System Performance Assessment Further Imaging Sequences Learning Outcomes Inversion Recovery Sequence The Inversion Recovery Image Simulator The Gradient-Echo Sequence Flow Phenomena Flow Phenomena Demonstrator: Spin-Echo Imaging Sequence Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) Multiple-Choice Questions Multiple-Choice Questions Answers to Multiple-Choice Questions Index