A Review on Various Methods of AI Defender
Current years, computer works on Artificial intelligence. In simple word,Artificial intelligence is an entirely automated technology, which works allwork is done from mechanically like a self-driving car, provide automaticprotection from attackers for the system. AI protect from a known orunknown attack in the form of spam, spy, phishing and communicationfiltration. This all know, or unknown attack use collects data of the user,which is very harmful. AI understandably use to reduce applications ofblack-box, an adversarial attack. Artificial intelligence can use in roboticswhich is used in military power. The robot is more efficient than human,and it is very secure to find land mine and to use the proper attack onthe enemy camp. Furthermore, it can reduce terrorism in any country.In the present time, the cybercrime is dangerous for every user underthe network. Digitalization security, geographical security, browsersecurity, and protection from all type of problem.