Analysis of PWM Boost Rectifier in modes of reactive power compensation

In this article proposed a system mode control reactive power compensation of the PWM boost rectifier in the powerful electric drives, which allows, without resorting to an additional capital cost, improve the power factor of the network. Developed a method of control modes of generation and consumption of reactive power of PWM boost rectifier. Analyzed the spectrum of harmonic currents and voltage supply. Studies were conducted by mathematical modeling on a computer in a visual programming package Simulink of mathematical package Matlab. Analysis of the results showed that the most favorable treatment as part of the electric drive to the PWM boost rectifier for the generation of reactive power over a wide range is regenerative braking. In the motoring mode of reactive power generation of the motor is also possible under certain conditions and in a narrow range. Analysis of the spectrum of harmonic components revealed the need for broadband filters tuned to a frequency close to the frequency of the switching transistors PWM boost rectifier. Checked the adequacy of the developed technique of management and certain prospects of its practical application.