Kerelevanan Fatwa Mengenai Pengagihan Zakat Sebagai Suatu Sistem Jaminan Sosial Masyarakat Islam di Terengganu

The zakat institution plays an important role in preaching the rules of conducts and doctrines based on syari’ah for Muslim community lives. Among others, the zakat institution plays a vital role in explaining the community on the zakat management system. This is due to the fact that zakat, when managed wisely will help to eradicate poverty in the Muslim community. Current practise in Terengganu shows that there are a number of illegitimate ‘amil (zakat collectors) whom are not appointed by the government. Thus, this paper emphasises on the relevancy of fatwa in making the payment and management of zakat becomes much more sustainable, and thus making it more justifiable, and beneficial to the social stability among Muslims in Terengganu. The research found out that the fatwa given by the office of the mufti and his committees is very much relevant with the need of the community, which is, that the zakat (almsgiving) properties need to be managed efficiently and distributed equally to the target groups so that the sustainable of the social welfare in Terengganu is well taken care of. Keywords: relevancy, fatwa, zakat distribution, social justifying system, community, Terengganu.