Work teams : past, present and future

Contributors. Dedication. Acknowledgements. Preface M. Beyerlein. Foreword R. Miles. Section I: Evolving Ideas and Theories. Historic Roots of Team Theory and Practice G. Porter, M. Beyerlein. Work Teams Research S. Gully. History of Cell-Based Manufacturing J. Benders, R. Badham. The Human Relations Myth Unveiled R. Purser. The Evolution of Open Systems to the 2 Stage Model M. Emery. Section II: An Appreciative Look at Some Major Thinkers. Kurt Lewin K. Tedford, D. Baker. Socio-Technical Systems Approach to Work Team Design L. Eby, et al. Deutsch's Theory of Cooperation and Competition D. Tjosvold, D. Johnson. Allan Mogensen (1901-1989) M. Mulej. Modern Socio-Technology J. Benders, et al. Section III: Developing Work Teams Around the World. Work Teams in Australia J. Cordery. Three Kinds of Autonomy at Work in Norway J. Gulowsen. Group Fabrication to Self-Designing Work Teams C. Antoni. Group Work Concepts in Germany S. Sonnentag, S. Remdisch. The Formation of Work Teams in Russia Y. Alexandrov, et al. Yugoslav Self-Management M. Lynn, et al. When the Teams Came Marching Home E. Blickensderfer, et al. A History of Teams T. Nilsson. Functions and Emergence of New Work Organizations at Toyota T. Fujimoto. Section IV: Foundation of 21st Century Teams. Self-Managing Teams in a Crystall Ball C. Neck, et al. Teams in Organizations E. Salas, J. Cannon-Bowers. Index.