Building a Joint-Service Classification Research Roadmap: Individual Differences Measurement
Abstract : The Armstrong Laboratory, the Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences, the Navy Personnel Research and Development Center, and the Center for Naval Analyses are committed to enhancing the overall efficiency of the Services' selection and classification research. This means reducing redundancy of research across Services and improving inter-service research planning, while ensuring that each Service's priority needs are served. The Roadmap project products describe across-service military classification research issues. This report serves two purposes. First, it is a reference document that selection and classification experts in the Services can use in making decisions about predictor measures. It provides information about operational and experimental predictors. Second, it refines and supplements predictor-related research objectives that emerged from the Services! current selection and classification practices and interviewing military selection and classification experts to identify selection and classification research objectives. Measurement, Individual differences, Roadmap.