Requirements engineering and rapid development: an object-oriented approach
The message of this book is simple. Software development should be done quickly and effectively. Systems that take years to develop can often end up out of synch. with their users' evolving requirements and business objectives by the time they are delivered. Requirements Engineering and Rapid Development shows how to solve the problem by using a systematic approach to requirements gathering and business modelling. This book is packed full of practical advice and tried and tested techniques for object modelling, illustrating how these techniques may be applied not only to models of computer systems, but to models of the world in which they have to operate. Ian Graham provides advice on how to run requirements workshops and presents a standard structure for requirements gathering, modelling and analysis, founded on an understanding of the project's mission and business objectives. Using a sequence of traceable, linked object models the final implementation may be continually checked against the specifications to ensure developers do not lose sight of the original goals. Anyone involved in the specification of modern computer systems should read this book. The approach taken in this book incorporates the OPEN rapid application development process and complies with the principles of DSDM.