2D이미지의 3D 모델화 알고리즘 적용을 통한 인터랙티브 수족관개발

The 3D contents are getting more attentions in various areas, such as in movies, advertising, games and exhibition contents. There are many authoring tools for making 3D Models and contents. However, those authoring tools take considerable amount of time to learn and to make 3D contents. In this paper, we propose the 3D model conversion algorithm to make 3D models from 2D pictures drawn on the touch screens or papers. The vertex animation method also proposed for the interactive 3D aquarium. The proposed vertex animation algorithm was tested for virtual 3D water creatures and compared with human-made animation. An Interactive 3D aquarium was implemented by using those proposed algorithms. Thus the simplicity and effectiveness of the algorithms can be applied to diverse industries.