German Lunar explaration orbiter (LEO): providing a globally covered, highly resolved, integrated, geological, geochemical, and geophysical data base of the moon

The German initiative for the Lunar Exploration Orbiter (LEO) originated from the national conference “Exploration of our Solar System”, held in Dresden in November 2006. Major result of this conference was that the Moon is of high interest for the scientific community for various reasons, it is affordable to perform an orbiting mission to Moon and it insures technological and scientific progress necessary to assist further exploration activities of our Solar System. Based on scientific proposals elaborated by 50 German scientists in January 2007, a preliminary payload of 12 instruments was defined. Further analysis were initated by DLR in the frame of two industry contracts, to perform a phase-zero mission definition. The Moon, our next neighbour in the Solar System is the first choice to learn, how to work and live without the chance of immediate support from earth and to get prepared for further and farther exploration missions. We have to improve our scientific knowledge base with respect to the Moon applying modern and state of the art research tools and methods. LEO is planed to be launched in 2012 and shall orbit the Moon for about four years in a low altitude orbit.