Applying Software Factories to Pervasive Systems: A Platform Specific Framework

The raise of the number and complexity of pervasive systems is a fact. This kind of systems involves the integration of physical devices and software components in order to provide services to the inhabitants of an environment. Current techniques for developing pervasive systems provide low-level abstraction primitives which makes difficult the construction of large systems. Software Factories and the Model Driven Architecture (MDA) are two important trends in the software engineering field that can provide sensible benefits in the development of pervasive systems. In this paper, we present an approach for building a Software Factory for pervasive systems, focusing in the definition of a product line for this kind of systems. We introduce a software architecture for pervasive systems, which is supported by a software framework implemented using the OSGi technology. Then, we integrate the framework into the MDA standard defining the framework metamodel and providing tool support for the automatic code generation.