Redescoberta de Scherya Bahiensis R.M.King & H. Rob. (Compositae) na Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, Brasil

Rediscovery of Scherya bahiensis R.M.King & H.Rob. (Compositae) on the Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, Brazil). Scherya bahiensis was known so far only from its holotype, recorded sixty years ago. The present note reports a new register in the Vila do Ventura, Morro do Chapeu Municipality, Chapada Diamantina region, Bahia, Northeast of Brazil. The species inhabits an ecotonal area, which includes cerrado, tropical semi-deciduous forest and caatinga in a vegetational mosaic. An illustration of the species emphasizing the diagnostic characters is here provided, and its relationships either to Ageratum and Acritopappus are discussed.