Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui :  (1) model sistem pengujian yang tepat pada aplikasi kuis digital, (2) karakteristik sistem pengujian, (3) kelayakan aplikasi kuis digital, dan (4) unjuk kerja aplikasi kuis digital sebagai instrumen penilaian. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan instrumen penilaian kuis berbantuan mobile learning berbasis Android . Hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa: (1) sistem pengujian dengan model dua tes, uji pengetahuan dan uji kemampuan dengan bentuk tes yang digunakan meliputi tes pilihan ganda, benar salah, dan jawaban singkat, (2) terdapat 50 soal tes valid, nilai koefisien reliabilitas r 11 =0,931 sangat kuat, indeks kesukaran diperoleh 1 butir sukar, 35 butir sedang, 14 butir mudah, daya pembeda diperoleh 3 butir buruk, 20 butir cukup, dan 25 butir baik, (3) pada pengujian black box diketahui seluruh fungsi aplikasi kuis digital bekerja dengan baik , penilaian ahli diperoleh rerata penilaian 84,52 % termasuk sangat layak, penilaian oleh ahli media diperoleh rerata 87,45 % termasuk sangat layak, penilaian oleh guru diperoleh rerata penilaian 86,90 % termasuk sangat baik, penilaian oleh siswa diperoleh rerata 58,53 % temasuk kategori baik, (4) Skor rerata gain yang diperoleh SMK Negeri 2 Pati sebesar 0,57 sedangkan SMK Muhammadiyah Kudus sebesar 0,41 kategori gain kedua kelas termasuk dalam kategori sedang. Kata kunci: pengembangan instrumen penilaian kuis, mobile learning , gerbang logika dasar, flip-flop Abstract This objectives of this study were to find out: (1) the best testing method, (2) the characteristic of testing system, (3) the feasibility, and (4) the performance of digital quiz application as assesment instrument. This study is research and development of quiz assessment instrument assisted by android based mobile learning. The result of this study were: (1) testing system with two test models, knowledge test, and skill test, (2) there are 50 valid questions, the reliability coefficient r11 = 0.931 with very strong category, difficulty index gets 1 question is difficult, 35 question are intermediate, 14 question are easy, the classification value gets 3 question are worst category, 20 question are moderate category, and 25 question are good category, (3) on the black box test, all the function of digital quiz application are worked, the judgement of matter expert gets the average score of 84.52% with very feasible category, the result from media expert judgement gets the average score of 87.45% with very feasible category, the teacher judgement gets the average score of 86.90% with very good category. The judgment from student gest the average score of 58.53% with good category, (4) the average gain score of SMK Negeri 2 Pati were 0.57, and the average gain score of SMK Muhammadiyah Kudus were 0.41. The category of the two classes are included in average category . Keywords:  developing the instrument of quiz assessment, mobile learning, based logic gate, flip-flop