The Art of the Byzantine Empire 312-1453 CYRIL MANGO Englewood-Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall 1972. 272. $4.50 us

ment arises. The stated purpose of the book provides an opportunity for indepth examination of far-reaching issues. Theological formulations do need to be re-examined. The very validity of the language theology uses is being called in question, not by linguistic analysis, but by the logic of scientific research and the experience of psychotherapy. Both call into question the traditional antitheses of determinism and freedom, of grace and gratitude (to use Hiltner’s terms), and others which have provided the basic structure of much theological debate. The insights of psychotherapy invite a much more penetrating and fundamental revision of theological thought than Hiltner gives. Perhaps Hiltner will write another book, designed from its very inception to explore the deeper implications of psychotherapy for theology. One must hope so. i < ..... <. ,