Cross-cultural perspectives in human development : theory, research, and applications

Introduction - T S Saraswathi PART ONE: THEORETICAL PERSPECTIVES Ecocultural Perspectives on Human Psychological Development - John W Berry Wanted - Lutz H Eckensberger A Contextualized Psychology: Plea for a Cultural Psychology Based on Action Theory Ontogeny as the Interface between Biology and Culture - Heidi Keller Evolutionary Considerations Theoretical Framework in Cross-Cultural Developmental Psychology - Pierre R Dasen An Attempt at Integration Human Development across Culture - Cigdem Kagitcibasi A Contextual-Functional Analysis and Implication for Intervention PART TWO: RESEARCH AND APPLICATIONS Conceptualizing Human Development and Education in Sub-Saharan Africa at the Interface of Indigenous and Exogenous Influences - A Bame Nsamenang Modernization and Change in Adolescent Social Life - Alice Schlegel Adolescence without Family Disengagement - Reed Larson et al The Daily Family Life of Indian Middle Class Teenagers From Research Projects to Nationwide Programme - Sevda Bekman The Mother-Child Education Programme of Turkey Counting on Everyday Mathematics - Anita Rampal Current Issues and Trends in Early Childhood Education - Lilian G Katz