Three types of magnetic-field-operated shape memory effects

Three types of magnetic field operated shape memory ceramics have been developed. Namely, the shape memory movements can be operated by changes in magnetic flux density. The reversible shape memory effects are often induced by magnetostriction and magnetic field induced twin formation for Fe-Pd alloys. The former shows the precise shape change, whereas the later shows the large shape change expected. The strain value was about 182 ppm at 0.3 kOe at room temperature. The high magnetostrictive susceptibility was detected at low magnetic field. It was higher than that of Tb0.3Dy0.7Fe2 thin film developed. The other magnetic field operated shape change is recently found on softening near critical temperature of superconductors. The softening induced shape memory effect (SSME) has been found from 9.5 K to 20 K in pure metallic niobium.