Man-Machine Interface Analyses for Bomber Flight Management System
Abstract : The research reported in this document represents a concept definition study directed to exploring the MMI issues inherent in the development and integration of an FM avionics subsystem into a manned, penetrating bomber weapons system. The report addresses four specific FM/MMI objectives: (1) Develop and document 'optimum' FM/MMI conceptual display formats; (2) Integrate a laboratory (i.e., non-flyable) software development/ demonstration FM processor into DET 1 AL's Strategic Avionics Battle-Management Evaluation and Research (SABER) advanced conceptual bomber crew system simulator; (3) Conduct a laboratory, part-mission demonstration of FM avionics concept in the SABER facility; (4) Provide consultative support to government and industry for review and critique of FM/MMI conceptual display formats. This report documents the initial (Concept Definition) phase of the design of 'optimum' flight management display formats. The intent is to lay the foundation for an information requirements analysis for an FM system and subsequent design of a conceptual MMI.