자계 차분형 센서를 이용한 초소형/고정밀 탄속 측정장치 개발
【In the conventional weapon system, such as gun and small arms, it Is a general trend that for maximization of its performance and enhancement of its effectiveness, the firing control system(FCS) is developed and applied with the guns and small arms in the world. The FCS of the small arms for infantry man is composed of a few of sensors for acquisition of input data of FCS, such as range measurement, position sensing of weapon, temperature, etc., computer, displayer and power pack, and also the air burst munition is developed in parallel for the maximization of FCS's effectiveness. Since the flight time setting fuze for the air burst munition is adapted for next me, the measuring device of the muzzle velocity is needed to overcome the variation of muzzle velocity due to producing procedures and the differences of the using temperatures and so maintain the burst position accuracy This paper contained the technical information on the development of the measuring device of muzzle velocity, which designed in compact & light weight configuration with reliability and accuracy】