Minimizing biased VM selection in live VM migration

VM selection algorithm selects one or more VMs from the full set of VMs running on a given overload host, once a decision to migrate VMs from that host is made to achieve host/server consolidation and load balancing in cloud data centers while satisfying the QoS constraints. Presently, VM selection is a crucial decision for resource management in the cloud data center management, specially with high dynamic environment. In this paper, we propose two new VM selection algorithms, namely Minimum VM Migrated Count and Minimum migration time Minimum VM Migrated Count to avoid frequent SLA violation on the same VM. We propose new metrics to compare with other VM selection algorithms. We evaluate our proposed algorithms through CloudSim simulation on different types of PlanetLab real and random workloads. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithms show significant reduction in the Maximum number of VM migrated count and the degree of load balancing of VMs migrated count with the other state of the art algorithms.