都市 弱者를 위한 都市計劃

The existing urban environment has been developed mainly for the healthy adult male. Therefore, to the elderly, the disabled, the youth, and the pregnant, the existing urban environment has been very hostile. They can not easily access to and fully participate in the urban activities. They are so called 'social underclass'. Because they are not much able to move around, they are also 'less mobile'. So far, the society has regarded them handicapped, they are not encouraged to move out from their residences. However, the social perception toward the disabled people recently has been changed little by little in favor of them. As the society becomes diversified and the car ownership increased, the number of the disabled exposed to the society has been rapidly increased. Many people starts to think about that the disabled does not come from the hermit, and they could be one of them. Prolonged life span due to the modern technology also made people expect they would also become the elderly in the future. This paper looked closely into the elderly and the disabled living in the hostile urban environment and tried to find out what are the problems and issues in this matter. The paper classified the problems into three categories : problems related to building structure ; problems related to the urban movement system ; problems related to the zoning system. In order to solve these problems and improve the physical environment for the disabled, this paper made a conclusion that the paradigm shift from the efficiency oriented planning methodology to the more humane planning philosophy is necessary. Safety and convenience for all are the major elements for the humane city. Zoning system encouraging mixed uses is another way to reduce the possible hazards and the unnecessary transportation.