1. Strategies Of Presentation

This introductory chapter focuses on the macrostructure of the Placita and the micro-environment characteristic of the majority of its individual chapters. First, the authors mention the diaeretic presentation of a variety of tenets in a chapter dealing with a specific theme. Secondly, they mention the macrostructure of sequential arrangements of chapters in relation to the categories. Thirdly the authors point at the four equally important Aristotelian question-types, or types of inquiry, concerned with existence, cause, the 'what is it', and with the 'that'. The primary aim is the study of A's text itself, and of A's methodology as a doxographer. The chapter begins with a (sub) diaeresis of four views according to which the moon has its own light. If this analysis is correct, the main part of the chapter is structured according to the categories of substance and quantity and, perhaps, relation.Keywords: Aristotelian question-types; categories; individual chapters; macrostructure; micro-environment characteristic; Placita; sequential arrangements; specific theme; Strategies of Presentation; variety of tenets