Some Effects of Small Changes in Molecular Framework on the Incidence of Smectic C and Other Smectic Liquid Crystal Phases in Esters

Abstract The smectic properties are discussed for several series of esters which have the same “central core” molecular structure, i.e., The effects of just extending the carbon chain in a series of n-alkyl esters are discussed for the methyl to n-decyl esters of 4′n-decyloxybiphenyl-4-carboxylic acid. The effect on the inicidence of the smectic C Phase is quite striking. The butyl to hexyl esters inclusive exhibit this phase, while the heptyl to decyl esters show latent smectic C properties for which “virtual” transition temperatures can be obtained. The temperatures of SA to Sc transition lie on two parabolic curves, the even members lying on the curve representing higher Sc thermal stabilities than those of the odd members. The earlier homologues of the series show SA, SB, or SE or SAB properties. The effect on the incidence of the smectic phases was also investigated for molecules containing longer carbon chains. Here the incidence of the smectic C phase is discussed for the methyl to n-nonadecyl este...