The supernumerary peroneal muscles: case report and review of the literature

Summary The peroneus quartus and the peroneus digiti quinti muscles are anatomical variations, the prevalence of which are not precisely known. During routine dissection we demonstrated these muscles in both legs of a 45-year-old male cadaver. The peroneus quartus muscle originated from the distal part of the fibula and tendon of the peroneus brevis, and attached to the peroneal trochlea of the calcaneus. The peroneus digiti quinti muscle originated as a small slip from the tendon of peroneus brevis, around the malleolus, and attached to the dorsal aponeurosis of the fifth digit. In addition, a small separate branch was attached to the fifth metatarsal base. In both legs we also demonstrated a branch separating from the tendon of the tibialis anterior below the malleolus, that attached to the base of the proximal phalanx of the first digit.