Inside ADW and IEF: the promise and reality of CASE

This book considers the ADW and IEF CASE (computer aided systems engineering) tools from a technical and business perspective, including explanations of how CASE works, what it does and does not do and how to create a viable system through its use. It also identifies and explores the traps encountered in CASE-based systems development and presents strategies and techniques for avoiding them. It covers such topics as how CASE tools and methodologies really work, the investment, the pitfalls and the payoff; the effect CASE has on information technology, user and management cultures; where the pitfalls are in CASE-based planning, analysis, design and construction - and how to avoid them; managing CASE-related risk and managing CASE-based system development projects. The book aims to help readers identify and solve the myriad of business, cultural and technical problems that are encountered as companies begin to utilize CASE. Along with examples of real-world apoplications, it provides practical advice on how to deal succcessfully with CASE-related problems, issues and risks in a real corporate environment.