Sustainable Biomass Potentials for Food-Feed-Fuels in the Future: How can Biorefinery concepts and Bioenergy fit into a Change made from 100 percent Fossil Dependency Towards a 100 Percent Renewable Energy Future?

Biomass sources as Woodchips – Wood pellets, Straw – Bio pellets, animal manure, farm-by products and new cropping systems are integrated in our society’s needs. The mindset for shifting from fossil fuels based economies into sustainable energy economies already exist. Bioenergy utilization systems has for many years been forming the basis for the change together with wind and solar energy. These resources still contains great potentials for energy supply chains in increasing areas of Europe and the World. Biomass sustainability issues could be solved by developing the international sustainability criteria. The sustainability criteria agreed internationally could be realized as a tool to secure the positive impacts of bioenergy and to foster the international trade. This study investigates the developments by national and international bodies of biomass standardization and certification systems and analyzes the biomass verification procedure in more detail. Belgium is taken as a case example for analysis. There is a need for action to solve the issues as sustainable bioenergy targeted policy developments, lack of cooperation within industry, governments, standardization bodies, NGO’s and other key stakeholders that stagnate the processes possessed in use of biomass.