Volume and Shape Preservation of Enhancing Lesions when Applying Non-rigid Registration to a Time Series of Contrast Enhancing MR Breast Images

In this paper we show first that a non-rigid registration algorithm used to register time-series MR images of the breast, can result in significant volume changes in the region of the enhanced lesion. Since this is physically implausible, given the short duration of the MR time series acquisition, the non-rigid registration algorithm was extended to allow the incorporation of rigid regions. In this way the registration is done in two stages. The enhanced lesions are first detected using the non-rigid registration algorithm in its original form. Secondly, the region of the enhanced lesion is set to be rigid and the new algorithm is applied to integrate this rigid region into the existing registration. By definition, volume and shape will be preserved in this rigid region. Preliminary results of applying this algorithm to 15 datasets are described.