A Virtue Epistemology: Apt Belief and Reflective Knowledge, Volume I

The Social Contexts of Intellectual VirtueGlaube, Vernunft und CharakterHandbuch ErkenntnistheorieErnest Sosa Encountering Chinese PhilosophyConceptions of KnowledgeA Virtue EpistemologyEpistemic EntitlementThe Oxford Handbook of VirtueEpistemology of the QuranThe Routledge Handbook of Virtue EpistemologyEpistemology: Contexts, Values, DisagreementKnowledge, Belief, and CharacterThe Skillfulness of VirtueA Virtue EpistemologyKnowing Full WellVirtuous Thoughts: The Philosophy of Ernest SosaPerformance EpistemologyVirtue Epistemology: Oxford Bibliographies Online Research GuideIntellectual Virtues and EducationDie abschichtende Planungsentscheidung unter VorläufigkeitsbedingungenEpistemic SituationismThe Oxford Handbook of the Epistemology of TheologyA Virtue EpistemologyVirtue-Theoretic EpistemologyEpistemic ContextualismGood ThinkingApt Belief and Reflective Knowledge: A virtue epistemologyReflective KnowledgeNaturalizing Epistemic VirtueSocially Extended EpistemologyA Virtue EpistemologyGod NaturalizedReflective KnowledgeJudgment and AgencyIntellectual Agency and Virtue Epistemology: A Montessori PerspectiveVirtue-Theoretic EpistemologyEpistemologyMoral and Intellectual Virtues in Western and Chinese PhilosophyEpistemologyVirtue Epistemology: Oxford Bibliographies Online Research Guide