Secular Evolution and the Formation of Pseudobulges in Disk Galaxies

▪ Abstract The Universe is in transition. At early times, galactic evolution was dominated by hierarchical clustering and merging, processes that are violent and rapid. In the far future, evolution will mostly be secular—the slow rearrangement of energy and mass that results from interactions involving collective phenomena such as bars, oval disks, spiral structure, and triaxial dark halos. Both processes are important now. This review discusses internal secular evolution, concentrating on one important consequence, the buildup of dense central components in disk galaxies that look like classical, merger-built bulges but that were made slowly out of disk gas. We call these pseudobulges. We begin with an “existence proof”—a review of how bars rearrange disk gas into outer rings, inner rings, and stuff dumped onto the center. The results of numerical simulations correspond closely to the morphology of barred galaxies. In the simulations, gas is transported to small radii, where it reaches high densities and...

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[202]  Samuel Harvey Moseley,et al.  Morphology, near infrared luminosity, and mass of the galactic bulge from Cobe dirbe observations , 1995 .

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[204]  H. Rix,et al.  Nonaxisymmetric structures in the stellar disks of galaxies , 1995, astro-ph/9505111.

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[207]  Konrad KuijkenMichael R. Merrifield Establishing the connection between peanut-shaped bulges and galactic bars , 1995, astro-ph/9501114.

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[211]  Carl J. Grillmair,et al.  The Centers of Early-Type Galaxies with HST.I.An Observational Survey , 1995 .

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[216]  H. Ford,et al.  Hubble Space Telescope photometry of the central regions of Virgo Cluster elliptical galaxies. 1: Observations, discussion, and conclusions , 1994 .


[218]  R. Bender,et al.  Line-of-sight velocity distributions of elliptical galaxies , 1994 .

[219]  R. Buta,et al.  Pattern Speed Domains in Ringed Disk Galaxies from Observational and Simulational Databases , 1994 .

[220]  B. Moore Evidence against dissipation-less dark matter from observations of galaxy haloes , 1994, Nature.

[221]  Samuel Harvey Moseley,et al.  COBE diffuse infrared background experiment observations of the galactic bulge , 1994 .


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[230]  I. Shlosman Mass-Transfer Induced Activity in Galaxies , 1994 .

[231]  G. Galletta,et al.  Study of NGC 4442: a link between bars and boxy bulges , 1994 .

[232]  R. Kennicutt Mass-Transfer Induced Activity in Galaxies: Star Formation in Barred Galaxies ( Invited paper ) , 1994 .

[233]  F. Combes Mass-Transfer Induced Activity in Galaxies: Gas Inflow due to Perpendicular Orbits in Barred Potentials , 1994 .

[234]  T. Lauer,et al.  Planetary camera observations of the double nucleus of M31 , 1993 .

[235]  N. Caon,et al.  On the shape of the light profiles of Early Type galaxies , 1993, astro-ph/9309013.

[236]  R. Bender,et al.  Dynamically hot galaxies. II - Global stellar populations , 1993 .

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[238]  G. Wright,et al.  Isophote twists in the nuclear regions of barred spiral galaxies. , 1993 .

[239]  H. Hasan,et al.  Galactic bars with central mass concentrations : three-dimensional dynamics , 1993 .

[240]  R. Buta,et al.  Metric Characteristics of Nuclear Rings and Related Features in Spiral Galaxies , 1993 .

[241]  J. Higdon,et al.  NGC 4314. II - Hubble Space Telescope I-band surface photometry of the nuclear region , 1993 .

[242]  M. Shaw The stellar dynamics of "box/peanut" galactic bulges. II. NGC 1055. , 1993 .

[243]  W. Benz,et al.  Secular evolution of isolated barred galaxies. I: Gravitational coupling between stellar bars and interstellar medium , 1993 .

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[245]  L. Martinet,et al.  Bars within bars in lenticular and spiral galaxies: a step in secular evolution? , 1993 .

[246]  J. Kormendy Kinematics of Extragalactic Bulges: Evidence that some Bulges are Really Disks , 1993 .

[247]  John Kormendy,et al.  The nucleus of M33 , 1993 .

[248]  A. Phillips Star Formation in Barred Spiral Galaxies. , 1993 .

[249]  R. Bender,et al.  The intrinsic shape of early-type galaxies and the scatter around the fundamental plane , 1993 .

[250]  J. Sellwood Peanut Shaped Bars , 1993 .

[251]  E. Athanassoula The existence and shapes of dust lanes in galactic bars , 1992 .

[252]  E. Athanassoula Morphology of bar orbits , 1992 .

[253]  R. Bender,et al.  Dynamically hot galaxies. I - Structural properties , 1992 .

[254]  Michael S. Warren,et al.  Dark halos formed via dissipationless collapse. I: Shapes and alignment of angular momentum , 1992 .

[255]  Sandra M. Faber,et al.  MG and Fe absorption features in elliptical galaxies , 1992 .

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[274]  J. Binney,et al.  Velocity mapping and models of the elliptical galaxies NGC 720, NGC 1052, and NGC 4697 , 1990 .

[275]  H. Hasan,et al.  Chaotic orbits in barred galaxies with central mass concentrations , 1990 .

[276]  F. Combes,et al.  Box and peanut shapes generated by stellar bars , 1990 .

[277]  R. Buta Weakly barred, early-type ringed galaxies. I. The Seyfert galaxy NGC 3081 , 1990 .

[278]  D. Alloin,et al.  Star formation history and chemical enrichment in the nuclear regions of m31 and its dwarf companions m32 and ngc 205 , 1990 .

[279]  R. Bender New Clues to Structure and Formation of Elliptical Galaxies , 1990 .

[280]  D. Alloin,et al.  Disentangling age and metallicity effects in the blueish nuclear population of m 33, ngc 278 and ngc 404 , 1990 .

[281]  B. Jarvis The NGC 128 Group of Galaxies , 1990 .

[282]  Unraveling the kinematics of early-type galaxies . Presentation of a new method and its application to NGC 4621 , 1990 .

[283]  F. Schweizer Interactions in Our Time , 1990 .

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[286]  Paul E. Johnson,et al.  Near-infrared images of NGC 1068: bar-driven star formation and the circumnuclear composition , 1989 .

[287]  R. Bender,et al.  Isophote shapes of elliptical galaxies. II. Correlations with global optical, radio and X-ray properties. , 1989 .

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[290]  R. Kennicutt,et al.  Properties of H II region populations in galaxies. II. The H II region luminosity function , 1989 .

[291]  John Kormendy,et al.  Surface photometry and the structure of elliptical galaxies , 1989 .

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[304]  R. Buta The Structure and Dynamics of Ringed Galaxies. V. The Kinematics of NGC 1512, NGC 3351, NGC 4725, and NGC 4736 , 1988 .

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