Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research Bibliographic Review 2011

The annual bibliographic review of GGR has a long tradition dating back to 1981, this being the thirty-second instalment to appear. The review contains references to articles from geochemical, geological, environmental and chemical journals in which data of reference materials (RMs) and certified RMs (CRMs) were published. The current definitions for a RM and a CRM are published in the ISO Guide 30 Amendment 1 (2008): A RM is a material, sufficiently homogeneous and stable with respect to one or more specified properties, which has been established to be fit for its intended use in a measurement process, and a CRM is a RM characterised by a metrologically valid procedure for one or more specified properties, accompanied by a certificate that provides the value of the specified property, its associated uncertainty, and a statement of metrological traceability. RMs and CRMs are necessary for quite different purposes, such as calibration, method validation, quality control and assurance, and to establish metrological traceability to measurements (Wiedenbeck et al. 2012).

[1]  P. Rochette,et al.  Ordinary chondrite-related giant (>800 μm) cosmic spherules from the Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica , 2011 .

[2]  C. Fassoulas,et al.  Identifying past earthquakes on carbonate faults: Advances and limitations of the 'Rare Earth Element' method based on analysis of the Spili Fault, Crete, Greece , 2011 .

[3]  Paul J. Worsfold,et al.  Sources of plutonium to the tropical Northwest Pacific Ocean (1943–1999) identified using a natural coral archive , 2011 .

[4]  C. Jeandel,et al.  Nd isotopic composition of water masses and dilution of the Mediterranean outflow along the southwest European margin , 2011 .

[5]  H. Kitagawa,et al.  Geochemical evolution of historical lavas from Askja Volcano, Iceland: Implications for mechanisms and timescales of magmatic differentiation , 2011 .

[6]  M. Ahmad,et al.  Dating and classification of Syrian excavated pottery from Tell Saka Site, by means of thermoluminescence analysis, and multivariate statistical methods, based on PIXE analysis , 2011 .

[7]  K. Kidd,et al.  Low concentrations of selenium in stream food webs of eastern Canada. , 2011, The Science of the total environment.

[8]  S. Ferreira,et al.  Critical study using experimental design of the determination of lead by high-resolution continuum source hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry , 2011 .

[9]  C. Guerrot,et al.  Accurate and High‐Precision Determination of Boron Isotopic Ratios at Low Concentration by MC‐ICP‐MS (Neptune) , 2011 .

[10]  J. Mao,et al.  Zircon U–Pb geochronological and Hf isotopic constraints on petrogenesis of Late Mesozoic intrusions in the southeast Hubei Province, Middle–Lower Yangtze River belt (MLYRB), East China , 2011 .

[11]  S. Foster,et al.  Measurement of methyl mercury (I) and mercury (II) in fish tissues and sediments by HPLC-ICPMS and HPLC-HGAAS. , 2011, Talanta.

[12]  P. Tittarelli,et al.  Sulfur determination in coal using molecular absorption in graphite filter vaporizer. , 2011, Talanta.

[13]  I. Durukan,et al.  Ligandless-solidified floating organic drop microextraction method for the preconcentration of trace amount of cadmium in water samples. , 2011, Talanta.

[14]  A. Anbar,et al.  Molybdenum isotope constraints on the extent of late Paleoproterozoic ocean euxinia , 2010 .

[15]  Heng Chen,et al.  Zircon U-Pb ages, Hf-O isotopes and whole-rock Sr-Nd-Pb isotopic geochemistry of granitoids in the Jinshajiang suture zone, SW China:Constraints on petrogenesis and tectonic evolution of the Paleo-Tethys Ocean , 2011 .

[16]  J. Liégeois,et al.  Differentiation of Tholeiitic Basalt to A-Type Granite in the Sept Iles Layered Intrusion, Canada , 2011 .

[17]  G. Yogodzinski,et al.  Compositional variability of terrestrial mantle apatites, thermodynamic modeling of apatite volatile contents, and the halogen and water budgets of planetary mantles , 2011 .

[18]  R. Romer,et al.  Element and Sr isotope signatures of titanite as indicator of variable fluid composition in hydrated eclogite , 2011 .

[19]  A. J. Yago,et al.  Seismic cycles recorded in late Quaternary calcite veins: Geochronological, geochemical and microstructural evidence , 2011 .

[20]  C. Lundstrom,et al.  Iron and magnesium isotopic compositions of peridotite xenoliths from Eastern China , 2011 .

[21]  N. Rogers,et al.  Evolution of pantellerite-trachyte-phonolite volcanoes by fractional crystallization of basanite magma in a continental rift setting, Marie Byrd Land, Antarctica , 2011 .

[22]  S. Kay,et al.  The geochemistry of a dying continental arc: the Incapillo Caldera and Dome Complex of the southernmost Central Andean Volcanic Zone (~28°S) , 2011 .

[23]  D. Garbe‐Schönberg,et al.  Mechanisms of Archean crust formation inferred from high-precision HFSE systematics in TTGs , 2011 .

[24]  Lianchang Zhang,et al.  A new modification of the sample introduction system for Os isotope ratio measurements , 2011 .

[25]  H. Azizi,et al.  Isotopic dating of the Khoy metamorphic complex (KMC), northwestern Iran: A significant revision of the formation age and magma source , 2011 .

[26]  H. Fan,et al.  Multiple crust-mantle interactions for the destruction of the North China Craton: Geochemical and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopic evidence from the Longbaoshan alkaline complex , 2011 .

[27]  Mingli Chen,et al.  Cadmium preconcentration with bean-coat as a green adsorbent with detection by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry , 2011 .

[28]  Xin-an Yang,et al.  Determination of inorganic and total mercury in seafood samples by a new ultrasound-assisted extraction system and cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectrometry , 2011 .

[29]  P. Lunt,et al.  A re-assessment of age dating of fossiliferous limestones in eastern Sabah, Borneo: Implications for understanding the origins of the Indo-Pacific marine biodiversity hotspot , 2011 .

[30]  W. Bleeker,et al.  U-Pb baddeleyite ages, distribution and geochemistry of 925 Ma mafic dykes and 900 Ma sills in the North China craton: Evidence for a Neoproterozoic mantle plume , 2011 .

[31]  Bin Hu,et al.  Fast and selective magnetic solid phase extraction of trace Cd, Mn and Pb in environmental and biological samples and their determination by ICP-MS , 2011 .

[32]  J. Sucharová Optimisation of DRC ICP-MS for determining selenium in plants , 2011 .

[33]  M. Barciela-Alonso,et al.  Matrix solid phase dispersion-assisted BCR sequential extraction method for metal partitioning in surface estuarine sediments. , 2011, Talanta.

[34]  J. Andrade,et al.  Chemometric tools to evaluate the spatial distribution of trace metals in surface sediments of two Spanish rías. , 2011, Talanta.

[35]  A. Schmitt,et al.  Acigöl rhyolite field, central Anatolia (part II): geochemical and isotopic (Sr–Nd–Pb, δ18O) constraints on volcanism involving two high-silica rhyolite suites , 2011 .

[36]  J. Woodhead,et al.  Subduction zone Hf-anomalies: Mantle messenger, melting artefact or crustal process? , 2011 .

[37]  Z. Řanda,et al.  Lithium in tektites and impact glasses: Implications for sources, histories and large impacts , 2011 .

[38]  Zhonggen Li,et al.  Mercury distributions and mercury isotope signatures in sediments of Dongjiang, the Pearl River Delta, China , 2011 .

[39]  S. König,et al.  Subduction zone dynamics in the SW Pacific plate boundary region constrained from high-precision Pb isotope data , 2011 .

[40]  H. Strauss,et al.  Iron and sulphur isotopes from the Carajas mining province (Para, Brazil) : implications for the oxidation of the ocean and the atmosphere across the Archaean-Proterozoic transition , 2011 .

[41]  M. Bizzarro,et al.  High-precision Mg-isotope measurements of terrestrial and extraterrestrial material by HR-MC-ICPMS—implications for the relative and absolute Mg-isotope composition of the bulk silicate Earth , 2011 .

[42]  P. M. Abraham,et al.  A robust, particle size independent, method for quantifying metal(loid oxide) nanoparticles and their agglomerates in complex environmental matrices by electrothermal vaporisation coupled to ICP-MS , 2011 .

[43]  P. Sharma,et al.  Comparative determination of uranium in rock phosphates and columbite by ICP-OES, alpha & gamma spectrometry , 2011 .

[44]  R. D. Weir,et al.  Comparison of neutron activation analysis with conventional detection techniques for the evaluation of trace elemental contamination in Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos) feathers , 2011 .

[45]  A. Chatt,et al.  Determination of arsenic (III) and arsenic (V) in freshwater biological samples from Thailand by solvent extraction and neutron activation , 2011 .

[46]  R. James,et al.  Accurate and precise determination of stable Cr isotope compositions in carbonates by double spike MC-ICP-MS , 2011 .

[47]  Yue-heng Yang,et al.  Geochemistry and Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopes of the Mesozoic Dadian alkaline intrusive complex in the Sulu orogenic belt, eastern China: Implications for crust-mantle interaction , 2011 .

[48]  A. Crawford,et al.  Slab break-off and the formation of Permian mafic-ultramafic intrusions in southern margin of Central Asian Orogenic Belt, Xinjiang, NW China , 2011 .

[49]  Bin Hu,et al.  Thermo-responsive polymer coated fiber-in-tube capillary microextraction and its application to on-line determination of Co, Ni and Cd by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). , 2011, Talanta.

[50]  Xiaoya Hu,et al.  Determination of Se(IV) using solidified floating organic drop microextraction coupled to ultrasound-assisted back-extraction and hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry , 2011 .

[51]  S. Planke,et al.  Multistage Evolution of Dolerites in the Karoo Large Igneous Province, Central South Africa , 2011 .

[52]  C. Innocent,et al.  Chemical, multi-isotopic (Li-B-Sr-U-H-O) and thermal characterization of Triassic formation waters from the Paris Basin , 2011 .

[53]  N. Unceta,et al.  Development of matrix-matching hydroxyapatite calibration standards for quantitative multi-element LA-ICP-MS analysis: application to the dorsal spine of fish , 2011 .

[54]  J. Santos-Echeandía Direct simultaneous determination of Co, Cu, Fe, Ni and V in pore waters by means of adsorptive cathodic stripping voltammetry with mixed ligands. , 2011, Talanta.

[55]  B. Jones,et al.  A portable tungsten coil atomic emission spectrometer for the simultaneous determination of metals in water and soil samples. , 2011, Analytical sciences : the international journal of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry.

[56]  C. Chauvel,et al.  Beach placer, a proxy for the average Nd and Hf isotopic composition of a continental area , 2011 .

[57]  M. Amyot,et al.  Effects of various cooking methods and food components on bioaccessibility of mercury from fish. , 2011, Environmental research.

[58]  A. Davis,et al.  A new method for MC-ICPMS measurement of titanium isotopic composition: Identification of correlated isotope anomalies in meteorites , 2011 .

[59]  R. Frei,et al.  The geographic distribution of strontium isotopes in Danish surface waters – A base for provenance studies in archaeology, hydrology and agriculture , 2011 .

[60]  R. B. Georg,et al.  Silicon isotope fractionation during magmatic differentiation , 2011 .

[61]  G. Howarth,et al.  Petrology of the hypabyssal kimberlite of the Kroonstad group II kimberlite (orangeite) cluster, South Africa: Evolution of the magma within the cluster , 2011 .

[62]  C. Devey,et al.  Understanding Melt Generation Beneath the Slow- Spreading Kolbeinsey Ridge Using (238)U, (230)Th , and (231)Pa Excesses , 2011 .

[63]  S. Ferreira,et al.  Determination of mercury in airborne particulate matter collected on glass fiber filters using high-resolution continuum source graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry and direct solid sampling , 2011 .

[64]  O. Rouxel,et al.  Germanium isotopic systematics in Ge-rich coal from the Lincang Ge deposit, Yunnan, Southwestern China , 2011 .

[65]  P. Povinec,et al.  A certified reference material for radionuclides in the water sample from Irish Sea (IAEA-443) , 2011 .

[66]  L. Aquilina,et al.  Relationship of present saline fluid with paleomigration of basinal brines at the basement/sediment interface (Southeast basin – France) , 2011 .

[67]  Shichun Huang,et al.  A radiogenic Os component in the oceanic lithosphere? Constraints from Hawaiian pyroxenite xenoliths , 2011 .

[68]  A. Siripinyanond,et al.  Field-flow fractionation: An efficient approach for matrix removal of soil extract for inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry , 2011 .

[69]  R. Creaser,et al.  The origin of Triassic/Jurassic kimberlite magmatism, Canada: Two mantle sources revealed from the Sr‐Nd isotopic composition of groundmass perovskite , 2011 .

[70]  J. Adam,et al.  Trace element partitioning between mica- and amphibole-bearing garnet lherzolite and hydrous basanitic melt: 2. Tasmanian Cainozoic basalts and the origins of intraplate basaltic magmas , 2011 .

[71]  M. Hidalgo,et al.  Arsenic determination by ICP-QMS with octopole collision/reaction cell. Overcome of matrix effects under vented and pressurized cell conditions. , 2011, Talanta.

[72]  Ping Li,et al.  Hair can be a good biomarker of occupational exposure to mercury vapor: simulated experiments and field data analysis. , 2011, The Science of the total environment.

[73]  Q. Hao,et al.  Geochemical characteristics of the eolian deposits in southern China, and their implications for provenance and weathering intensity , 2011 .

[74]  K. Jochum,et al.  Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research Bibliographic Review 2009 , 2010 .

[75]  B. Hanan,et al.  Hafnium isotopic variations in East Atlantic intraplate volcanism , 2011 .

[76]  D. Chew,et al.  Re–Os geochronology of the Neoproterozoic–Cambrian Dalradian Supergroup of Scotland and Ireland : implications for Neoproterozoic stratigraphy, glaciations and Re–Os systematics. , 2011 .

[77]  Chengshan Wang,et al.  Petrology and geochemistry of peridotites in the Zhongba ophiolite, Yarlung Zangbo Suture Zone: Implications for the Early Cretaceous intra-oceanic subduction zone within the Neo-Tethys , 2011 .

[78]  Serap Seyhan Bozkurt,et al.  Separation and preconcentration of Pb(II) using ionic liquid-modified silica and its determination by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. , 2011, Talanta.

[79]  N. Tadros,et al.  Use of neutron activation analysis for determination of gold in some human scalp hair samples , 2011 .

[80]  M. Frische,et al.  Dehydration of subducting serpentinite: Implications for halogen mobility in subduction zones and the deep halogen cycle , 2011 .

[81]  M. Bizzarro,et al.  A TIMS-based method for the high precision measurements of the three-isotope potassium composition of small samples , 2011 .

[82]  R. Kretzschmar,et al.  Calcium isotopes in a proglacial weathering environment: Damma glacier, Switzerland , 2010 .

[83]  V. Kamenetsky,et al.  Boron isotopic composition of olivine-hosted melt inclusions from Gorgona komatiites, Colombia: New evidence supporting wet komatiite origin , 2011 .

[84]  L. Heaman,et al.  Microxenoliths from the Slave craton: Archives of diamond formation along fluid conduits , 2011 .

[85]  M. Perfit,et al.  Perspective on the Genesis of E-MORB from Chemical and Isotopic Heterogeneity at 9–10°N East Pacific Rise , 2009 .

[86]  R. Hori,et al.  Lead isotopic record of Barremian-Aptian marine sediments: Implications for large igneous provinces and the Aptian climatic crisis , 2011 .

[87]  A. Prinzhofer,et al.  Direct analysis of trace elements in crude oils by high-repetition-rate femtosecond laser ablation coupled to ICPMS detection , 2011, Analytical and bioanalytical chemistry.

[88]  D. Nývlt,et al.  The Mendel Formation: Evidence for Late Miocene climatic cyclicity at the northern tip of the Antarctic Peninsula , 2011 .

[89]  Xinbin Feng,et al.  Distribution of Hg in mangrove trees and its implication for Hg enrichment in the mangrove ecosystem , 2011 .

[90]  Yue-heng Yang,et al.  High-precision direct determination of the 87Sr/86Sr isotope ratio of bottled Sr-rich natural mineral drinking water using multiple collector inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry , 2011 .

[91]  I. Smith,et al.  Dynamics of melting beneath a small-scale basaltic system: a U-Th–Ra study from Rangitoto volcano, Auckland volcanic field, New Zealand , 2011 .

[92]  L. F. Bellido,et al.  Trace and major elements in geological samples from Itingusssú River Basin, Sepetiba Bay––Rio de Janeiro , 2011 .

[93]  W. Fragoso,et al.  Determination and Evaluation of the Mineral Composition of Obi (Cola acuminate) , 2011, Biological Trace Element Research.

[94]  J. Blichert‐Toft,et al.  Combined Nd and Hf isotope evidence for deep-seated source of Isua lavas , 2011 .

[95]  T. Kazi,et al.  Evaluation of selenium in biological sample of arsenic exposed female skin lesions and skin cancer patients with related to non-exposed skin cancer patients. , 2011, The Science of the total environment.

[96]  J. Routh,et al.  Distribution of arsenic and its mobility in shallow aquifer sediments from Ambikanagar, West Bengal, India , 2011 .

[97]  C. Yuan,et al.  Geochronology, petrogenesis and tectonic significance of peraluminous granites from the Chinese Altai, NW China , 2011 .

[98]  I. Villa,et al.  Tracing Nile sediment sources by Sr and Nd isotope signatures (Uganda, Ethiopia, Sudan) , 2011 .

[99]  K. Wallmann,et al.  Early diagenesis of redox-sensitive trace metals in the Peru upwelling area – response to ENSO-related oxygen fluctuations in the water column , 2011 .

[100]  T. Pichler,et al.  Geochemistry of hydrothermal fluids from the PACMANUS, Northeast Pual and Vienna Woods hydrothermal fields, Manus Basin, Papua New Guinea , 2011 .

[101]  E. Nakamura,et al.  Melt inclusion Pb-isotope analysis by LA-MC-ICPMS: Assessment of analytical performance and application to OIB genesis , 2011 .

[102]  A. Brenot,et al.  Multiple environmental tracers for a better understanding of water flux in a wetland area (La Bassée, France) , 2011 .

[103]  I. Brindle,et al.  Ultra-trace determination of vanadium in lake sediments: a performance comparison using O2, N2O, and NH3 as reaction gases in ICP-DRC-MS , 2011 .

[104]  J. Vervoort,et al.  Lu–Hf garnet geochronology applied to plate boundary zones: Insights from the (U)HP terrane exhumed within the Woodlark Rift , 2011 .

[105]  T. Andersen,et al.  Combined U-Pb geochronology and Lu-Hf isotope systematics by LAM-ICPMS of zircons from granites and metasedimentary rocks of Carrazeda de Ansiaes and Sabugal areas, Portugal, to constrain granite; sources , 2011 .

[106]  G. Kamenov,et al.  Seawater Pb isotopes extracted from Cenozoic marine sediments , 2011 .

[107]  I. López-García,et al.  Non-chromatographic screening procedure for arsenic speciation analysis in fish-based baby foods by using electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry. , 2011, Analytica chimica acta.

[108]  Jun Yu Li,et al.  Atmospheric polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and Pb isotopes at a remote site in Southwestern China: implications for monsoon-associated transport. , 2011, The Science of the total environment.

[109]  Steven A. Wilson,et al.  GSD‐1G and MPI‐DING Reference Glasses for In Situ and Bulk Isotopic Determination , 2011 .

[110]  C. Lécuyer,et al.  Reconstructing seawater Sr/Ca during the last 70 My using fossil fish tooth enamel , 2011 .

[111]  U. Şahin,et al.  An automated solid phase extraction coupled with electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometric determination of Pb(II) in high salt content samples. , 2011, Talanta.

[112]  J. Stuut,et al.  Grain size control on Sr‐Nd isotope provenance studies and impact on paleoclimate reconstructions: An example from deep‐sea sediments offshore NW Africa , 2011 .

[113]  M. Mesías,et al.  Nickel levels in convenience and fast foods: in vitro study of the dialyzable fraction. , 2011, The Science of the total environment.

[114]  B. Wagner,et al.  Open ablation cell for LA-ICP-MS investigations of historic objects , 2011 .

[115]  J. Poths,et al.  IRMM-3100a: A new certified isotopic reference material with equal abundances of 233U, 235U, 236U and 238U , 2011 .

[116]  C. Barbante,et al.  Selenium speciation in rat colon tissues , 2011 .

[117]  Q. Jia,et al.  Determination of gold(III) and palladium(II) in mine samples by cloud point extraction preconcentration coupled with flame atomic absorption spectrometry , 2011 .

[118]  Wenliang Xu,et al.  Petrogenesis of late Mesozoic granitoids in southern Jilin province, northeastern China: Geochronological, geochemical, and Sr–Nd–Pb isotopic evidence , 2011 .

[119]  François Chabaux,et al.  Seasonal variability of element fluxes in two Central Siberian rivers draining high latitude permafrost dominated areas , 2011 .

[120]  C. Locatelli Catalytic-adsorptive stripping voltammetric determination of ultra-trace iridium(III). Application to fresh- and sea-water. , 2011, Talanta.

[121]  Clemens Reimann,et al.  The performance of moss, grass, and 1- and 2-year old spruce needles as bioindicators of contamination: a comparative study at the scale of the Czech Republic. , 2011, The Science of the total environment.

[122]  J. Malpas,et al.  Petrogenesis of Latest Miocene–Quaternary Continental Intraplate Volcanism along the Northern Dead Sea Fault System (Al Ghab–Homs Volcanic Field), Western Syria: Evidence for Lithosphere–Asthenosphere Interaction , 2011 .

[123]  H. Paulick,et al.  The Earth’s tungsten budget during mantle melting and crust formation , 2011 .

[124]  E. Carasek,et al.  Determination of fluorine in tea using high-resolution molecular absorption spectrometry with electrothermal vaporization of the calcium mono-fluoride CaF. , 2011, Talanta.

[125]  A. Kerr,et al.  Geochemistry of rare high-Nb basalt lavas: Are they derived from a mantle wedge metasomatised by slab melts? , 2011 .

[126]  M. Schmidt,et al.  Deep Mafic Roots to Arc Volcanoes: Mafic Recharge and Differentiation of Basaltic Andesite at North Sister Volcano, Oregon Cascades , 2011 .

[127]  I. Williams,et al.  Ti in zircon from the Boggy Plain zoned pluton: implications for zircon petrology and Hadean tectonics , 2011 .

[128]  O. Rouxel,et al.  An Intercomparison Study of the Germanium Isotope Composition of Geological Reference Materials , 2012 .

[129]  J. Pavón,et al.  Speciation of antimony(III) and antimony(V) in seawater by flow injection solid phase extraction coupled with online hydride generation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry , 2011 .

[130]  F. Vanhaecke,et al.  Determination of trace elements in biodiesel and vegetable oil by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry following alcohol dilution , 2011 .

[131]  C. Chauvel,et al.  Comprehensive Chemical and Isotopic Analyses of Basalt and Sediment Reference Materials , 2011 .

[132]  Tianrong He,et al.  Mercury speciation and distribution in Aha Reservoir which was contaminated by coal mining activities in Guiyang, Guizhou, China , 2011 .

[133]  Xian‐Hua Li,et al.  Directly determining 143Nd/144Nd isotope ratios using thermal ionization mass spectrometry for geological samples without separation of Sm–Nd , 2011 .

[134]  E. Bernalte,et al.  Determination of mercury in ambient water samples by anodic stripping voltammetry on screen-printed gold electrodes. , 2011, Analytica chimica acta.

[135]  H. Mizuguchi,et al.  Ultra-trace determination of lead(II) in water using electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry after preconcentration by solid-phase extraction to a small piece of cellulose acetate type membrane filter. , 2011, Analytical sciences : the international journal of the Japan Society for Analytical Chemistry.

[136]  J. Gattuso,et al.  Quantifying the pH 'vital effect' in the temperate zooxanthellate coral Cladocora caespitosa: Validation of the boron seawater pH proxy , 2011 .

[137]  M. Costas,et al.  Land-ocean contributions of arsenic through a river-estuary-ria system (SW Europe) under the influence of arsenopyrite deposits in the fluvial basin. , 2011, The Science of the total environment.

[138]  L. Reisberg,et al.  Behavior of osmium at the freshwater–saltwater interface based on Ganga derived sediments from the estuarine zone , 2011 .

[139]  M. Kadi,et al.  Selective determination of thorium in water using dual-wavelength β-correction spectrophotometry and the reagent 4-(2-pyridylazo)-resorcinol , 2011 .

[140]  W. Perkins Extreme selenium and tellurium contamination in soils--an eighty year-old industrial legacy surrounding a Ni refinery in the Swansea Valley. , 2011, The Science of the total environment.

[141]  Marius N. Müller,et al.  Response of the coccolithophores Emiliania huxleyi and Coccolithus braarudii to changing seawater Mg2+ and Ca2+ concentrations: Mg/Ca, Sr/Ca ratios and δ44/40Ca, δ26/24Mg of coccolith calcite , 2011 .

[142]  T. Zhao,et al.  Chalcophile elemental constraints on sulfide-saturated fractionation of Cenozoic basalts and andesites in SE China , 2011 .

[143]  A. Raggi,et al.  Arsenic speciation in wheat and wheat products using ultrasound- and microwave-assisted extraction and anion exchange chromatography-inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry , 2011 .

[144]  A. Jacobson,et al.  The major ion, δ44/40Ca, δ44/42Ca, and δ26/24Mg geochemistry of granite weathering at pH=1 and T=25°C: Power-law processes and the relative reactivity of minerals , 2011 .

[145]  Yue-heng Yang,et al.  Mafic and felsic magma interaction during the construction of high-K calc-alkaline plutons within a metacratonic passive margin: The Early Permian Guyang batholith from the northern North China Craton , 2011 .

[146]  Matiullah,et al.  Assessment of the toxicity level of an industrial eco-system for its hazardous metals , 2011 .

[147]  Arshad Ali,et al.  Precise thermal ionization mass spectrometric measurements of 142Nd/144Nd and 143Nd/144Nd isotopic ratios of Nd separated from geological standards by chromatographic methods , 2011 .

[148]  Y. Asmerom,et al.  U-series isotope systematics of mafic magmas from central Oregon: Implications for fluid involvement and melting processes in the Cascade arc , 2011 .

[149]  E. Hanski,et al.  A'Three-Increase Model' for the Origin of the Marginal Reversal of the Koitelainen Layered Intrusion, Finland , 2011 .

[150]  D. Schiel,et al.  Alternative approach to post column online isotope dilution ICP-MS. , 2011, Talanta.

[151]  J. Nóbrega,et al.  Application of the interference standard method for the determination of sulfur, manganese and iron in foods by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. , 2011, Analytica chimica acta.

[152]  J. Valley,et al.  Oxygen isotope variations of garnets and clinopyroxenes in a layered diamondiferous calcsilicate rock from Kokchetav Massif, Kazakhstan: a window into the geochemical nature of deeply subducted UHPM rocks , 2011 .

[153]  J. Kimura,et al.  The Petrology and Geochemistry of St. Helena Alkali Basalts: Evaluation of the Oceanic Crust-recycling Model for HIMU OIB , 2011 .

[154]  M. Cave,et al.  A lead isotopic study of the human bioaccessibility of lead in urban soils from Glasgow, Scotland. , 2011, The Science of the total environment.

[155]  S. Bodin,et al.  Strontium and carbon-isotope chronostratigraphy of Barremian–Aptian shoal-water carbonates: Northern Tethyan platform drowning predates OAE 1a , 2011 .

[156]  D. Wyman,et al.  Late Triassic high-Mg andesite/dacite suites from northern Hohxil, North Tibet: Geochronology, geochemical characteristics, petrogenetic processes and tectonic implications , 2011 .

[157]  A. Sobolev,et al.  A young source for the Hawaiian plume , 2011, Nature.

[158]  H. Tazoe,et al.  Coupled isotopic systematics of surface cerium and neodymium in the Pacific Ocean , 2011 .

[159]  C. Zheng,et al.  On-line preconcentration and in situ photochemical vapor generation in coiled reactor for speciation analysis of mercury and methylmercury by atomic fluorescence spectrometry , 2011 .

[160]  David B. Smith,et al.  Pb-concentrations and Pb-isotope ratios in soils collected along an east–west transect across the United States , 2011 .

[161]  J. Malpas,et al.  Early Cretaceous volcanism of the Coastal Ranges, NW Syria: Magma genesis and regional dynamics , 2011 .

[162]  E. Nakamura,et al.  Multistage melt/fluid-peridotite interactions in the refertilized lithospheric mantle beneath the North China Craton: constraints from the Li–Sr–Nd isotopic disequilibrium between minerals of peridotite xenoliths , 2011 .

[163]  K. Jochum,et al.  Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research Bibliographic Review 2008 , 2009 .

[164]  T. Mukherjee,et al.  Development of naturally occurring siliceous material for the preferential removal of thorium from U–Th from aquatic environment , 2011 .

[165]  J. Banner,et al.  Sr isotopes as tracers of anthropogenic influences on stream water in the Austin, Texas, area , 2011 .

[166]  M. Abdi,et al.  Distribution of trace elements in the marine sediments along the South China Sea, Malaysia , 2011 .

[167]  C. Schaefer,et al.  Biomonitoring of lead in Antarctic lichens using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry , 2011 .

[168]  P. Scarlato,et al.  Petrology of the most recent ultrapotassic magmas from the Roman Province (Central Italy) , 2011 .

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