Comparison of Two-Moment Bulk Microphysics Schemes in Idealized Supercell Thunderstorm Simulations

AbstractIdealized three-dimensional supercell simulations were performed using the two-moment bulk microphysics schemes of Morrison and Milbrandt–Yau in the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. Despite general similarities in these schemes, the simulations were found to produce distinct differences in storm structure, precipitation, and cold pool strength. In particular, the Morrison scheme produced much higher surface precipitation rates and a stronger cold pool, especially in the early stages of storm development. A series of sensitivity experiments was conducted to identify the primary differences between the two schemes that resulted in the large discrepancies in the simulations.Different approaches in treating graupel and hail were found to be responsible for many of the key differences between the baseline simulations. The inclusion of hail in the baseline simulation using the Milbrant–Yau scheme with two rimed-ice categories (graupel and hail) had little impact, and therefore resulted in a...

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