Computer arithmetic and enclosure methods : proceedings of the third International IMACS-GAMM Symposium on Computer Arithmetic and Scientific Computing (SCAN-91), Oldenburg, Germany, 1-4 October 1991

Invited Lectures (R.M. Corless, G.F. Corliss, H.-J. Dobner, E. Kaucher, S. Godunov, P. Linz, G. Mayer, Ch. Ullrich). Computer Arithmetic and Programming Tools (Contributors: G. Bohlender, A. Davidenkoff, J. Erhel, B. Philippe, C. Falco Korn, R. Hammer, R. Reith, T. Lynch, Th. Teufel, W.V. Walter, J. Wolff von Gudenberg). Interval Methods for Enclosure Algorithms (Contributors: L. Atanassova, J. Herzberger, D. Bethke, H. Deumlich, N.S. Dimitrova, H.-J. Dobner, E. Kaucher, A. Frommer, K.-U. Jahn, Ch. Jansson, B. Kelling, S. Konig, W. Kramer, F. Mraz, Lj. Petkovic, M.S. Petkovic, D. Ratz, S.M. Rump). Applications in Differential Equations (Contributors: S. Christiansen, P.W. Pedersen, S. Georg, G. Kirlinger, G.F. Corliss, S. Fujino, S. Zhang, T. Nakao, M. Neher, W. Otten, R. Rihm, V. Veliov). Related Topics (Contributors: M. Berz, G. Heindl, N. Kjurkchiev, A. Andreev, A. Okuda, D. Shiriaev, Y. Stoyan, S. Smelyakov, P. Walerius).