Penentuan asid hidrosianik (anti nutrisi) di dalam buah nipah (nypa fruticans)

A study on hydrocyanic acid (antinutrition) content in nipah (Nypa fruticans) plant components have been carried out. Analysis involve a sample of husk, seed and sap of Nypa fruticans collected from three different sampling location located at Seberang Perak (Perak), Merchang (Terengganu) and Kuala Sanglang (Perlis). A quantitative alkaline titration method was used to determine the content of hydrocyanic acid in all samples. Study carried out has proved that husk of Nypa fruticans fruit has higher content of hydrocyanic acid at all sampling location followed by seed and sap. Hydrocyanic content at all sampling location ranged from 0.03-0.06, 0.03-0.05 and 0.02-0.03 mg/100 g for husk, seed and sap of Nypa fruticans respectively. Statistical test carried out using one way ANOVA (at 95% confidential level) signify that the different of sampling location and hydrocyanic acid content is significant (p<0.05) for husk of Nypa fruticans only.