Monitoring the leafhopper Scaphoideus titanus Ball and the planthopper Hyalestes obsoletus Signoret in Northern Italy

Results of a four-year (1999-2002) research project conducted in vineyards in Lombardy and Emilia-Romagna (Northern Italy) are briefly explained. The main objective was the monitoring of the cicadellid Scaphoideus titanus, vector of golden flavescence, and the cixiid Hyalesthes obsoletus, vector of the ampelopathy called “bois noir”. These hoppers were monitored with yellow sticky traps and with a sweeping net. A distribution map of S. titanus in both regions was drawn and in EmiliaRomagna its advance towards the east was noted. Data on the presence of H. obsoletus in vinegrowing districts were also obtained; for monitoring this species sticky traps in the canopy, even when placed only slightly above ground level, were less successful than a sweeping net passed over weeds (especially Urtica and Convolvulus) in vineyards and along their borders. A profile of the hopper fauna of the vineyard agrosystem of both regions was also defined. About a hundred species were identified, some of which are known or suspected to be vectors.