Reactions of N(2 2D) and N(2 2P) with H2 and D2

Rate constants for the reactions N(2 2D)+ H2(D2) and N(2 2P)+ H2(D2) have been measured by employing a pulse radiolysis–resonance absorption technique at temperatures between 213 and 300 K. The rate constants were expressed by the following Arrhenius equations: kN(2D)+H2= 4.6 × 10–11 exp(–8.8 × 102/T), kN(2D)+D2= 3.9 × 10–11 exp(–9.7 × 102/T), kN(2P)+H2= 3.5 × 10–13 exp(–9.6 × 102/T) and kN(2P)+D2= 1.9 × 10–13 exp(–9.2 × 102/T), in units of cm3 s–1. The results for N(2P) suggest that the main exit channels are not chemical reactions to produce NH (ND) radicals. The Arrhenius parameters for N(2D)+ H2(D2) are compared with the results of transition-state theoretical calculations as well as those of quasiclassical trajectory calculations on the basis of extended LEPS potential-energy surfaces.

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