R-SSL: Region based Semi-Supervised Learning for Sparsely Annotated Object Detection

Training with sparse annotations is known to reduce the performance of object detectors. Previous methods have focused on proxies for missing ground truth annotations either in the form of pseudo-labels or by reweighing gradients for unlabeled boxes. In contrast, we formulate the problem of sparsely annotated object detection as semi-supervised learning at a region level. Next, we propose an end-to-end system that learns to separate the proposals into labeled and unlabeled regions. The labeled and unlabeled regions are then processed differently, similar to semi-supervised learning, thereby reducing the negative effect of missing annotations. This novel approach has multiple advantages like improved robustness to higher sparsity when compared to existing methods. We conduct exhaustive experiments on five splits on the PASCAL-VOC and COCO datasets achiev-ing state-of-the-art performance. On average, we improve by 2 . 6 , 3 . 9 and 9 . 6 mAP over previous state-of-the-art methods on three splits of increasing sparsity on COCO.

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