New Achievements of Gas Control Technology

Based on analysis on the current situation and developing tendency of work safety in coal mines, developments and new achievements in the aspect of researches on gas control technology in recent years in China were introduced. When tackling the brainstorm state projects of the "Tenth Five-year Plan" , findings have been worked out such as the method to evaluate hazards of gas and coal dust explosion, regional predicting technology of coal-burst and gas-burst based on detecting methods of gas geology, geo-dynamics division and detection with electromagnetic wave and coal-burst and gas-burst non-contact continuous predicting technology based on principles of AE acoustic emission, electromagnetic radiation and gas inrush. Technologies of comprehensive gas disaster prevention and control when mining in protection layers among seam groups with high gas concentration as well as strengthening gas extraction along coal seams have been proven successfully. Monitoring on mine ventilation system, evaluation and analysis on reliability and decision-making control technology have also been developed. In addition, analysis on challenges of work safety in China's coal mines as well as scientific research work in urgent need of development has been made.