A deterministic method for initializing K-means clustering

The performance of K-means clustering depends on the initial guess of partition. We motivate theoretically and experimentally the use of a deterministic divisive hierarchical method, which we refer to as PCA-Part (principal components analysis partitioning) for initialization. The criterion that K-means clustering minimizes is the SSE (sum-squared-error) criterion. The first principal direction (the eigenvector corresponding to the largest eigenvalue of the covariance matrix) is the direction which contributes the largest SSE. Hence, a good candidate direction to project a cluster for splitting is, then, the first principal direction. This is the basis for PCA-Part initialization method. Our experiments reveal that generally PCA-Part leads K-means to generate clusters with SSE values close to the minimum SSE values obtained by one hundred random start runs. In addition, this deterministic initialization method often leads K-means to faster convergence (less iterations) compared to random methods. Furthermore, we also theoretically show and confirm experimentally on synthetic data when PCA-Part may fail.