Incorporation of Melcor source term predictions into probabilistic risk assessments

The MELCOR code has been developed as an advanced computational tool for performing primary source term analyses that will incorporate current phenomenological understanding into probabilistic risk assessments (PRAs). Although MELCOR is reasonably fast running, it is not feasible to perform a MELCOR calculation for each of the thousands of sets of conditions requiring a source term estimate in an integrated PRA. Therefore, the RELTRAC code is being developed to generate secondary source term estimates for use directly in a PRA for the LaSalle nuclear power plant by appropriately manipulating results from calculations by a primary source term code such as MELCOR. This paper describes the MELCOR and RELTRAC models and the manner in which MELCOR calculations are used to provide input to the RELTRAC model. 26 refs., 2 figs., 1 tab.