Storage and utilization of HLA genomic data--new approaches to HLA typing.

Currently available DNA-based HLA typing assays can provide detailed information about sequence motifs of a tested sample. It is still a common practice, however, for information acquired by high-resolution sequence specific oligonucleotide probe (SSOP) typing or sequence specific priming (SSP) to be presented in a low-resolution serological format. Unfortunately, this representation can lead to significant loss of useful data in many cases. An alternative to assigning allele equivalents to suchDNA typing results is simply to store the observed typing pattern and utilize the information with the help of Virtual DNA Analysis (VDA). Interpretation of the stored typing patterns can then be updated based on newly defined alleles, assuming the sequence motifs detected by the typing reagents are known. Rather than updating reagent specificities in individual laboratories, such updates should be performed in a central, publicly available sequence database. By referring to this database, HLA genomic data can then be stored and transferred between laboratories without loss of information. The 13th International Histocompatibility Workshop offers an ideal opportunity to begin building this common database for the entire human MHC.