Following the novel concept of applying phase conjugate mirrors for lensless imaging we have investigated the feasibility of such devices in connection with KrF excimer lasers for production of high resolution images. Since the beam characteristics of currently available excimer lasers lack sufficient quality we employed stimulated Brillouin scattering rather than four wave mixing for generation of phase conjugated waves. Various scattering media both liquid and gaseous with large gain coefficients were used. With gaseous SF6 pattern transfer of 80 sm lines was demonstrated. With the used experimental arrangement the system resolution was limited to 40 m. However with improved equipment higher resolution is possible. In particular the laser beam quality has to be controlled very carefully since an inhomogeneous intensity profile causes medium changes and breakdown resulting in low efficiency and poor quality backscattering. 1.
M. Gower.
KrF laser amplifier with phase-conjugate Brillouin retroreflectors.
Optics letters.
M. Damzen,et al.
Laser pulse compression by stimulated Brillouin scattering in tapered waveguides
R. Fedosejevs,et al.
High-efficiency stimulated Brillouin scattering of KrF laser radiation in SF(6).
Optics letters.
Y. Zel’dovich,et al.
Principles of phase conjugation
D. Proch,et al.
Lensless imaging through phase-conjugated backscattering in SF(6).
Optics letters.