Development and Evaluation of Virtual Physics Laboratory As Multimedia Learning Physics On Senior High Schools (SMA) Pekanbaru

This research aims to design and evaluate the Virtual Laboratory for physics learning topic of dynamic electric for Senior High School (SMA) in Pekanbaru. Virtual Laboratory media have been designed by implementing research and  development research method (Research and Development, R & D) with design using ADDIE ID Models techniques, development using PhET on materials physics dynamic electric includes the designing aspect, pedagogical aspects, aspects of content and programming aspects. Validation includes expert judgment and empirical validity and realiability by expert users, namely teachers of physics in senior high school and limited test against senior high school students. Descriptive analysis results show that Virtual Laboratory media is valid with r = 0.780. While the results of the empirical analysis shows Virtual Laboratory media is reliable media with Cronbach Alpha (? = 0.845). From the analysis of the study obtained by the Virtual Laboratory, learning physics is valid and reliable.