Effect of antibiotics on induction and growth of camellia callus

The effect of the supplement of antibiotics on induction and growth of camellia callus was studied. Kannamycin and Hygromycin were more sensitive to growth of callus of C. chekiangoleosa than that of C. magniflora. Growth of callus would be limited by Kannamycin at 50--60 mg•L~(-1) and Hygromycin at 25--30 mg•L~(-1). The leaves of C. grijsii seedling could not induced callus when Kannamycin and Hygromycin arrived the same concentration. Carbenicillin could accelerate induction of callus at certain degree but didnot affect the growth of callus. Amoxiocillin inhibited slightly the growth of callus. Cefotaximes reduced both the ratio. According to the effect of inhibiting Agrobacterium tumefaciens, concertration of Carbenicillin and Amoxicillin were 250 mg•L~(-1) and 125 mg•L~(-1) respectively in the study of transformation.