Design and Implementation of XQL Query Processing System Using XQL-SQL Query Translation

XML is a standard format of web data and is currently used as a prevailing language for exchanging data. Most of the commercial data are stored in a relational database. It is quite important to convert these conventionally stored data into those for exchange and use them in data exchange, or to get the query results effectively by utilizing XQL on XML data which are store in a relational database. Thus, it is absolutely required to have a proper query processing mechanism for XML data and to maintain many XML data properly. Up to now, many cases of researches on the storage and retrieval of XML data have been carried out and under study. But, effective retrieval and storage system for path queries like XQL has yet to be contrived. Thus, in this paper, a schema to store XML data is designed, in which DFS-Numbegering method is used to store data effectively. And an effective path query processing method is also designed and implemented, in which a traditional relational database engine is used. That is, XQL is converted into SQL with a XQL processor if a user makes query XQL in a system. A database system executes SQL, and a XML generator uses a generated record and makes a XML document.