Real-time occlusion culling for models with large occluders

Real-Time Occlusion Culling for Models with Large Occluders SATYAN COORG SETH TELLER Computer Graphics Group MIT Laboratory for Computer Science Efficiently identifying polygons that are visible from a dynamic synthetic viewpoint is an important problem in computer graphics. Typically, visibility determination is performed using the z-buffer algorithm. As this algorithm must examine every triangle in the input scene, z-buffering can consume a significant fraction of graphics processing, especially on architectures that have a low performance or software z-buffer. One way to avoid needlessly processing invisible portions of the scene is to use an occlusion culling algorithm to discard invisible polygons early in the graphics pipeline. In this paper, we exploit the presence of large occluders in urban and architectural models to design a real-time occlusion culling algorithm. Our algorithm has the following features: it is conservative, i.e., it overestimates the set of visible polygons; it exploits spatial coherence by using a hierarchical data structure; and it exploits temporal coherence by reusing visibility information computed for previous viewpoints. The new algorithm significantly accelerates rendering of several complex test models. CR

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