Applying Omt: A Practical Step-By-Step Guide to Using the Object Modeling Technique

From the Publisher: Applying OMT was written to illustrate the process for implementing an application using the very popular Object Modeling Technique (OMT) created by James Rumbaugh. Designed as a how-to guide, this book instructs readers on the implementation process and on practical approaches for OMT. By using a typical business application as a case study, the author begins his instruction with such fundamental concepts as modeling and prototyping and then moves into specific implementation strategies using C++ and Smalltalk. The included diskette provides relevant C++ and Smalltalk code. Providing the code allows the reader to see firsthand how the code is mapped into the model and also allows each reader the flexibility to extend or modify the code as needed. Through this format, readers are exposed to the complete modeling process from start to finish and receive all the heuristic guidance provided in the method.