Automated High Quality Isosurface Modeling Technique for Iterative Two-Phase Problems

While smooth isosurface and the subsequent body mesh construction is a well-developed modeling technique and widely used in medical imaging and engineering modeling, it is rarely performed in transient analysis and other iterative procedures due to relatively high computational cost. Voxelized modeling is often used as an alternative for simplicity at a cost of numerical accuracy. To overcome this problem, an isosurface modeling technique is developed in this paper to enable its seamless integration into iterative processes. This approach involves a rapid construction of closed isosurfaces using the Marching Cubes methods and a selective clean-up operation to smooth the surface mesh. This technique generates high quality isosurface meshes with clearly defined 3D domains and boundaries, which in turn provide a suitable foundation for the finite element analysis of two-phase problems. Its robustness, flexibility and suitability for applications in medical imaging and topology optimization are also demonstrated in this paper.