Absence of imprinting in U2AFBPL, a human homologue of the imprinted mouse gene U2afbp-rs.

The mouse gene U2 auxiliary factor binding protein related sequence (U2afbp-rs) has previously been shown to be genomically imprinted with monoallelic expression from the paternal allele. To determine if the human homologue is imprinted and contains conserved structural features which regulate imprinting, we isolated genomic clones from a human P1-derived artificial chromosome (PAC) library that map to human chromosome 5q22-31, a region syntenic to the proximal portion of mouse chromosome 11 where U2afbp-rs resides. A genomic subclone was isolated which contained an open reading frame with high homology to the mouse gene. This subclone also maintained the intronless character of the mouse gene. A KpnI polymorphism within the open reading frame of the gene was found to occur in 21% (8/38) of the alleles tested from human placental tissue samples. RT-PCR analysis of human placentas using the KpnI polymorphism to determine the parental origin of the alleles indicates biallelic expression of the human chromosome 5 U2AFBPL gene.