Genetic Evidence of Isolation by Distance and Impact of Impoundments on Genetic Diversity of Riverine Channel Catfish

AbstractThis study used microsatellite loci to provide evidence of isolation by distance and an effect of artificial impoundments on the genetic diversity of Channel Catfish Ictalurus punctatus from the Wabash and Ohio rivers. The Wabash River is the longest free-flowing river east of the Mississippi River in the USA, and the Ohio River is highly impounded, yet both rivers support large Channel Catfish fisheries. There was a significant positive relationship between genetic differentiation and geographic distance indicating isolation by distance. Clustering with the programs, STRUCTURE and GENELAND, and principal component analysis revealed multiple genetic clusters, and several sites had results consistent with adults existing as mixtures of genetic groups. These results suggest that the rate of straying among reproductive sites or dispersal is dependent on geographic distance. Channel Catfish from the unimpounded Wabash River had higher genetic diversity (Ho and He) than that from the impounded Ohio Riv...

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